Big 2024

An innovative Europe thanks to Deeptech : the funding opportunities from the European Innovation Council (EIC)

Oct 10, 2024 | 1:35 PM CEST - 2:10 PM CEST



The European Innovation Council (EIC) facilitates the path of disruptive innovations, from their conception in the laboratory to their introduction on the market. A key element of the Horizon Europe programme, the EIC allocates a substantial budget of €10 billion to fund Deeptech projects between 2021 and 2027. Bpifrance and the EIC share a common vision: to catalyse the emergence, stimulate the acceleration and propel the growth of Deeptech innovations and companies. Together, they are working to amplify the impact of disruptive innovations on a global scale. The aim of this workshop is to introduce companies to the programme and maximise your chances of a successful application.


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